Sunday 18 February 2018

The Last of the Freemasons

This title comes from a very famous book ''The Last of the Mohicans'' (by J.F. Cooper) because the ''evolution'' of the Freemasons of our days reminds me of this book and the similarities between them and the disappearance of the true Freemasons. True Freemasons have disappeared a long time, instead remained a rabble of ignorant, criminals and thieves who claim to be Freemasons.
Right now, in the Masonry, there are only bipedal specimens. but who do not have the backbone. They can not be considered Freemasons but only people who want to take advantage of the ancient name and influence of the true Freemasons. From what I have seen and from the experience I have had with Freemasons since I was born, I can declare that the Masonry (including all Masonic orders) is just a mud pit where worms carry out miserable activities. The Freemasons of those days are only the disgusting worms and I do not want to have anything to do with these miserable ones.
That's why all those villains of Freemasons, Temples, Teutons, Maltese, etc., who go around the world after my ass to make me problems claiming I'm ''something'' for them to stay far away from me and my life. If until now, those Freemasons who have been protecting that cannibal bitch who killed my child, who have been helped by Romanian Secret Services (including by the father of my child; about this villain I will write soon) and by the Musat family, who gave her all information what she needed to become ''me'', I recommend to all of them to keep that psychopath and to let me in pace.  

For me, the Last of the Freemasons on earth have been my grandfather and my godfather.

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